Perimenopause & Menopause

Perimenopause is the transitional time leading up to menopause.

During this time, our ovaries gradually start to make less estrogen and progesterone because we ovulate less frequently and we have significant hormonal fluctuations because of it. Everyone always asks how long this period lasts but it’s so variable for woman, anywhere from a few months to 10 years. I’d say average is about 4 years. It’s often a turbulent time.

Perimenopause ends once a woman has gone 12 months without a period. She is then said to be menopausal or postmenopausal.

The first sign of this transition is often irregular menstrual cycles. The most common associated symptoms are hot flashes and night sweats (hot flashes at night). Problems with sleep, forgetfulness, tearfulness, anger or irritability are also common. I also hear complaints of acne, rogue facial hairs, weight gain, increased belly fat, vaginal dryness and changes in sexual function.

Reassess your lifestyle choices

It’s important to realize that the menopause transitional is a critical time period associated with physiologic changes that influence a woman’s long term health and longevity. The most important thing and what I always recommend first is to reassess your lifestyle choices to ensure you’re eating well, staying physically active, getting enough sleep and managing stress.

These things alone can help to relieve symptoms but when they don’t, it can be very disruptive to our lives and often gets downplayed and dismissed.  It’s important to talk with a provider that really understands the benefits of possible hormone therapy and can balance this against any risk you may have. Since the WHI study, too many providers discourage hormones with little knowledge of the current research when there are really many who would benefit greatly.

Schedule a telehealth visit when you are ready discuss the changes you are experiencing in your body. I am here to help!

-Dr. Laura Kimbro